Friday, April 19, 2013



Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Many think the word FOUNDATIONS in our name means that we are organized as a foundation; however, this is not the case. The plural form of the word refers to the fact that it is our goal to help each of our residents build a foundation for their future.

We at FFO strive to help each individual adjust their way of thinking, in a structured sober-living environment,  to encourage a healthy way of living.  When a person comes to us, they have been doing (thinking) the same way and getting the same messed up results. We offer a safe environment in which to regroup and adjust your way of thinking in order to improve the chances of getting different, and hopefully better, results .

This resident is currently
attending school, to become
a medical assistant!

This former resident writes beautifully.
She hopes to publish one day.

This resident came to us unemployed.
 She has since improved her situation.
She now is a Certified PA.!


This former resident want to go into business for himself.
When he was with us he was preparing himself for his future possible ventures.
He is constantly in our prayers. We hope u did not stray. If you stumble,we are still here for you!

Our doors are forever open to those that are serious, about making a positive change in their lives!
Each of our past and present residents remain in my prayers constantly!
 I pray that God bless all your positive aspirations!

If you are ready and serious contact us.
You can read their stories and others at:

Friday, May 18, 2012

 A warm hello to all from Future Foudations Organization, and it's staff!
 At FFO we are dedicated to helping distressed people.
 Future Foundations Organization (FFO) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing individuals who suffer with mental and physical challenges the necessary tools to live as independently as possible.
 We integrate education with a caring community, where those with challenges will find support not only from our staff, but from other residents as well. 
 People that are distressed,  depressed, and too often pushed to the back burnner, too often ignored need understanding and TLC too!
 We'd just love it if you visit our site, and if you like it then post it! we want to reach as many people as possible!
 Our site is . Help put us out there!
We thank you!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

So many of our youths are getting shot on the way to school or on the way home. Perhaps there is a way that we can help reduce the shootings via a "Community Watch Program". How does that work?
Answer; If the residents of the community that live close to the schools and or the streets adjacent to the school or on the streets that the students travel to and from school would just stand out on their porches, steps or yards during the morning and afternoon hours, when the students are traveling  to and from school this may help reduce the shootings.

Tell me what you think. submit your comment(s).
Thank You.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

We at Future Foundations Organization, Inc. ( FFO ),  are an unfunded non-profit organization dedicated to helping those individuals that find themselves in a less then desirable position in life. Many times this is due to their physical and or mental disabilities. Yet there are many times it is due to another disease ...
addiction. Addiction to drugs,  alcohol or other substance. Whatever the case we interview these individuals.If after an interview we believe the individual is sincerely seeking help we accept them the majority of the time. If they are willing to follow the rules and regulations of our facility, cooperate with the staff, as well as interact and get along with the other residents.

Many times the person seeking our assistance come to us with  low self esteem no state ID, social security card, no medical insurance, no income, no change of clothing, no one to turn to, no one to sponsor them, hungry and often times no meds.

We at FFO make an effort to help the individual resolve each of these issues. We become the extended family and provide a family like environment. Each of our housing units house no more than six (6) to eight (8) person. With this small group it is easier to observe and give each resident more attention on a daily basis.

After all we are Americans and I think it is time for Americans to HELP Americans! Don't You?

This is just a brief summary to tell you a little about us.

Go to to see some of the many services we perform and/or coordinate.

Go to Http:// to read some of our past and present  residents stories.

To reserve a bed for yourself or loved one go to either website to contact us.

We welcome, encourage your comments.
Future Foundation Organization, Inc. (FFO) is dedicated to providing individuals who suffer with physical and/or mental challenges the necessary tools to live as independently as possible.  We provide affordable housing, education and support to enable individuals to live independently within the community. Our approach integrates recovery methodology through a community of care orientation.  Our primary goal is to enhance the quality of life for each of our residents.
  We provide a comfortable home setting, no more than six (6) to eight (8) residents per unit.We attend each resident's needs individually and as a family.
We coordinate Senior Home Healthcare Services.

To see more of our services go to; .

To  read  the submitted stories of some of our (FFO) past and present residents go to

To reserve a bed either for yourself or your loved one(s) go to either website and contact us.
We welcome, in fact we ask for your comments and feedback!

"Let Us Give You a Hand Up"